Today I removed the following banner from my blog:
Update 4.11.2024
see also:
- Siggi the Hacker: Assange, Leaks und Lügen – (1/2) (S01/E01)
- Siggi the Hacker: Sex, Verrat und Videoclips – (2/2) (S01/E02)
- Deniz Yuecel zu Julian Assanges Freilassung
- Kampf um Wahrheit – Julian Assange und die dunklen Geheimnisse des Krieges
- Geheimdienst-Skandal, Assange, Kampfjets
Update 24.12.2024
The Wau Holland Foundation has published a preliminary transparency report (PDF) on Julian (based on date 26th of Nov 2024).
Why do I blog this? Julian Assange has been released from prison and apparently has reached his home country Australia.