Das neue Horner Bad in Bremen

Es ist soweit… nach langer Zeit war ich endlich mal wieder ordentlich Schwimmen. Nicht, dass ich jetzt 2 Jahre keine Lust gehabt hätte, aber wir hatten einerseits Covid-19 und dann wurde mein Lieblingsfreibad (Das Horner Bad) leider abgerissen.

ABER… es wurde abgerissen, um ein neues viel cooleres Freibad zu bauen PLUS ein wettkampftaugliches 10 x 50m Hallenbad mit allem Schnick und Schnack. Und am Samstag den 4. Juno 2022 war Eröffnung. Leider konnte ich an diesem Tag nicht hingehen, aber eine Woche später dann ist es mir gelungen.


Wettkampfbad (Indoor)

Freibad (Outdoor)


Ich bin schwer begeistert. Vor allem aber bin ich erleichtert, dass es die Halle mit den 10 x 50m Bahnen gibt. Ein weiteres Planschbad braucht niemand. Echten Sport machen zu können ist so wichtig. Und dass neue Bad erfüllt diese Bedürfnisse. Klasse gemacht kann man da nur sagen! Danke an die Baufirmen und Bauleitung die da tatsächlich verantwortungsvoll mit unserem Steuergeld ein neues Highlight für Bremengeschaffen haben.

Update: 13.5.2023

Das Bad hat eine echt schoene Bepflanzung bekommen. Der Fruehling laesst gruessen. Auch sonst ist das Bad nach wie vor nice.

Die Belegungsplaene fuer die Bahnen sind nun auch so beschrieben, dass man klar erkennen kann, wann 50m und wann 25m Betrieb ist und wann Flachwasser und wann Normaltiefe. Sie verbessern also auch! Toll.

Aktueller belegungsplan Stand 13.5.2023

Why do I blog this? Ich bin eine Wasserratte. Ich liebe Schwimmen. Nirgends fühle ich mich mehr mit der Natur verbunden als wenn ich tief ins Wasser eines Sees oder eines Schwimmbades eintauchen kann und lautlos durch das Wasser gleiten darf. Für mich ist das magisch. Das neue Horner Bad (vor allem das Hallenbad) erlauben vor allem sportliches Schwimmen. Das war meiner Ansicht nach überfällig. Denn Spassbäder haben wir genug, wer aber mal ein paar Bahnen richtig Vollgas geben möchte, der muss lange suchen, oder im Werdersee, der alten Weser oder im Stadtwaldsee schwimmengehen. Das ginge schon klar, aber gerade im Winter ist das halt eher schwierig. Ich hab zwar einen Neopren-Shorty, aber eher für’s Windsurfen und nicht zum Schwimmen.


Ich möchte mal ein wenig mehr über ein Thema das mich seit langem fasziniert schreiben:

Chronemics can be briefly and generally defined as the study of human tempo as it related to human communication. More specifically, chronemics involves the study of both subjective and objective human tempos as they influence and are interdependent with human behavior. Further, chronemics involves the study of human communication as it relates to interdependent and integrated levels of time-experiencing. Previously, these interdependent and integrated levels have been outlined and discussed as: biological time; psychological time; social time; and cultural time. A number of classification systems exist in the literature of time. However, such systems are not applied to human interaction directly.

Quelle: Wikipedia

Wenn man sich einmal vergegenwärtigt, dass das sogenannte Monochronic time Zeitverständnis in unserer Arbeitswelt fast ausschließliche Gültigkeit besitzt, hingegen das Polychronic time Zeitverständnis fast gar nicht kulturell akzeptiert ist, dann erkennt man wie Chronemics als Wissenschaft von der nicht-verbalen Kommunikation über Zeitwahrnehmung ein Schlüsselgebiet für die Gestaltung von Kultur in der Arbeit darstellt.

Unterschiede bzw. Vergleich

Monochronic people Polychronic people
Do one thing at a time Do many things at once
Concentrate on a task set before them Concentrate on an event happening around them
Consider time commitments (deadlines, schedules) seriously Consider objectives (goals, results) seriously
Are low-context and need information Are high-context and already have information
Are committed to the job and end results Are committed to people and relationships
Dedicate themselves to plans Change plans often and easily
Are more concerned with privacy and individual ownership Are more concerned with community and shared connections
Emphasize prompt time recognition, regardless of relationship or circumstances Emphasize response based on nature of relationship and circumstances
Have strong tendency to build temporary, practical relationships Have strong tendency to build lifetime, familial relationships

Tabelle, Quelle: Wikipedia

Chronemik macht sich bemerkbar bei der Wartezeit auf eine Antwort im Arbeitsalltag:

To be kept waiting is to imply that one’s time is less valuable than that of the one who imposes the wait.

Auch auf die Sprechzeit im Alltag auf Arbeit wirkt Chronemik:

A superior – regardless of whether or not they are running the actual meeting – lead discussions, ask questions and have the ability to speak for longer periods of time without interruption.

Geht es um die Organisation der Arbeitszeit an sich, wirkt auch hier Chronemik:

The time of high status individuals is perceived as valuable, and they control their own time. On the other hand, a subordinate with less power has their time controlled by a higher status individual and are in less control of their time […]
Higher-status individuals have very precise and formal schedules – indicating that their stature requires that they have specific blocks of time for specific meetings, projects and appointments. Lower status individuals however, may have less formalized schedules.

Why do I blog this? Ich möchte mal ein wenig tiefer die Bandbreite des Begriffs hier darstellen. Das ist erstmal ein kleiner Auftakt.

How to create and present a presentation in the 21st century

This will not be the usual stuff explaining to you how to use your Microsoft PowerPoint Software, I am sorry! Instead this will show you a workflow which is setup to make you independent of any tool vendor at maximum level.

The fails

I have seen too much shit happen to my presentations in the past. Even though I was a fan of Apple Keynote and once used PowerPoint to create presentations these times are over for me now. The reasons for this are the following:

  • A Microsoft Powerpoint file on a Mac has issues being presentend on a Windows machine
  • A Microsoft Powerpoint file on Windows has issues being presentend on a Mac machine
  • A Powerpoint file of version 3 cannot be opened by the latest & greatest Powerpoint software
  • An Apple Keynote file from the past cannot be opened with a Keynote app of the present
  • The file format of Powerpoint and Keynote is closed, proprietary and non-human-readable. That means if you never converted your old presentation to a PDF file you will never be able to read your files again.
  • The default mode of operation of Powerpoint and Keynote is to craft a proprietary presentation environment with lots of fancy effects, which mostly distract you from the content presented
  • Both Powerpoint and Keynote make it ridiculously difficult to connect a beamer (simple video out) to the software in a way that not disturbs the user with overcomplicated configuration of screen-sync-settings, screen-resolutions, main-screen, second-screen, super-duper-fancy-triple-screen, etc.
  • Both softwares fail ginormously when you want to present from your smartphone. you need custom software installed, you need custom hardware for the video out (sometimes even proprietary streaming protocol support, i.e. AirPlay), you need ridiculously complex steps to bring the document from your desktop to the smartphone using iTunes, iCloud, some $Dropbox Service or you even need to email the document to yourself to get it into the phone. Because the fucking manufacturer of your phone decided that Micro SD-Cards or USB-Sticks won’t work as a storage medium. FUCK YOU Apple!
  • Sharing your document (and the encoded knowledge) is completely NOT the priority of those companies. That is why export as PDF sucks and file format is proprietary bullshit.
  • Let me summarize: File formats suck, Desktop tools suck, Mobile tools suck, Presentation on Beamer sucks, Sharing of content sucks a huge lot!

Working toolchain

+ +
TexShop Pro
(Free Software on the Desktop)
Choose your favorite tool on Linux
PDF Viewer for iOS
(from PDFKit GmbH)
to present with iPhone
Lighting-to-HDMI-AV Adapter
(from Apple)
connect to iPhone and Beamer

How to

I now use TexShop Pro to create my LaTeX based presentation using the beamer-documentclass. This generates a nicely rendered PDF file. I copy that PDF to my iPhone (actually e-mailing it to myself) and import it into the PDF Viewer. As soon as you connect the AV-Adapter for HDMI-out the App will allow to present the PDF file in landscape mode by simply tapping. That’s totally sufficient for me because I hate all those effects anyway.

If I want to present from my Linux system I choose to use Impressive which is a really nice tool to present nearly anything (e.g. also a folder of images, pdfs, etc.) using nice effects. It has a lot of options to present exactly your style and it taes a lot of things for input, even movies. :)


Here are some links to stuff which helped me to get this up and running.


The following lines are very helpful to setup your presentation for modern purposes.


Line 1 enforces LaTeX to output a PDF Version 1.4 file which is helpful for other software (e.g. the presenting PDF viewer) to cope with the format perfectly. Sometimes Version 1.5 is just not yet that well supported.

Line 2 sets the width of the presentation to use 16:9 format in aspect ratio, which makes use of the widespread beamers now in operation which support wide screens.


You really should read beameruserguide.pdf if you have some time to spend. It gives you a lot of insight on how to tweak your presentation.

Why do I blog this? I am fed up with all the tools mentioned above, because they break stuff for me often. Apple Keynote is a powerful tool, but without them supporting legacy documents adequately (what they don’t) that tool is dead for me. It will be just a matter of time until they kill the PDF export since normal consumers do not need keynote and products for Pro Users get slashed regularly in recent times by Apple Inc. this is it for me. I will go with free tools only. The AV-Adapter will be the most expensive thingy here but for the convenience of presenting with your iPhone this may be worth it for you.