Chris Gammell: The HELLO WORLD of PCB design – Getting to Blinky 5.0

I just would like to recommend a nice series of YT tutorials on electronics PCB design and working with the proper tools to make it happen offered by Chris Gammell.

From the YT channel description

Contextual Electronics is an online electronics apprenticeship program. Follow along with our instructors and see how you can pair theoretical and practical electronics knowledge. Members of the course learn how to apply electronics design techniques to build custom electronic hardware.

The YouTube channel is a small portion of the overall content available on our main site ( The videos here are offered for free to the community. There are paid segments that dive in depth on many other topics. This channel will also include podcast, KiCad tutorials, and public talks (as part of programs like KiCon).

This course and channel is run by Chris Gammell, host of The Contextual Electronics Podcast and co-host of The Amp Hour Podcast.

Getting to Blinky 5.0

First episode has the „Hello World of designing a PCB“.

In this introduction to Getting to Blinky 5.0, we go over where to download the software, some of he learning objectives of this video course and how to load up the program once installed.

This is another incarnation of the Getting To Blinky Series, updated for KiCad 5.0. KiCad currently is on version 5.1.4 at the time these videos are being released, but the majority of UI is similar between 5.0 and 5.1.

Download KiCad here:
Discuss KiCad here:
Contextual Electronics is located here:
Discuss Contextual Electronics here:

The chapters are short and concise but still easy to follow.

Watch the whole series here:

Why do I blog this? I have learned a lot in a short time in this helpful series. It is an awesome educational marvel of the web for learning PCB design.

Joost den Haan, CEO and Co-Founder at Planblue about how to map the Seafloor with underwater Satellites

Listen to E007 – EU Greenwashing Law, Vertical Farming & Investment News and Joost den Haan, CEO and Co-Founder at Planblue about how to map the Seafloor with underwater Satellites to get a nice overview about Planblue GmbH.

The health of our oceans is directly linked to all life on earth, yet 95% of our oceans are unknown. We believe that threats posed to nature and society, by e.g. climate change or plastic pollution, need to be tackled and understood using real-time, objective and automated tools. This is what we provide with our technology.


Thomas Riedel is talking to Co-Founder and CEO of planblue Joost den Haan. The Bremen-based startup with a Dutch CEO and international team is engaged in mapping the seafloor. Thanks to specially developed sensor technology, they can do this with unprecedented precision. And this precision is needed if one wants to make accurate calculations about the state of the sea and the seabed. And just how important the seabed is is shown by this surprising fact: Seagrass is 35 times better at storing carbon than the rainforest. Look forward to an exciting interview with Joost den Haan who is norn below the ocean surface, as they build a global seafloor database with underwater satellites.

Why do I blog this? Joost giving a nice overview about the company I work in right now.

Mastering GDAL Tools – ein Online Kurs für den Einstieg

Wer mit Geodaten arbeitet, der landet relativ fix bei der Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL). Einem Open Source toolset, um eine ganze Menge an georaumbezogenen Datentransformationen durchführen zu können.

Leider ist die Dokumentation und die Tutorials eher so na ja bei Jetzt hab ich einen supercoole Quelle bei Spatial Thoughts gefunden, um sich mit den Tools richtig gut vertraut zu machen:
Mastering GDAL Tools (Full Course Material)

GDAL is an open-source library for raster and vector geospatial data formats. The library comes with a vast collection of utility programs that can perform many geoprocessing tasks and build scalable spatial ETL pipelines without the need for expensive software.

Ich hab mit den GDAL tools ein wenig herumexperimentiert und stelle fest, da steckt eine Menge Power drin.

Installation von GDAL

Die Installation ist ein wenig tricky. Auf macOS kann se auch etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Ich habe Homebrew benutzt und einfach folgende Zeile eingegeben:

brew install gdal

Ob alles geklappt hat, kann man testen, indem man eingibt:

gdalinfo --version

Das sollte die installierte Version ausgeben. Bei mir ist das gerade
GDAL 3.6.3, released 2023/03/07

Maptiles generieren

So kann man z.B. sehr einfach seine eigenen WMTS/WMS (Web Map Tile Service) erzeugen mit folgendem Befehl: land_shallow_topo_21600.tif --s_srs=wgs84 -d -p raster

Dafür lädt man einfach zuvor von z.B. der NASA eine Weltkarte im Mercator Format (das ist das gängigste Format, dass auch Google nutzt) runter. Die NASA hat auch ein README.pdf parat, das ein wenig erklärt, wie man die Daten nutzen kann.

Um zu gucken, welche Metainformationen da in dem TIF enthalten sind kann man folgende Zeile eingeben:

gdalinfo land_shallow_topo_21600.tif

Das ergibt dann z.b. eine Ausgabe wie:

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: land_shallow_topo_21600.tif
Size is 21600, 10800
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
Lower Left  (    0.0,10800.0)
Upper Right (21600.0,    0.0)
Lower Right (21600.0,10800.0)
Center      (10800.0, 5400.0)
Band 1 Block=21600x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
Band 2 Block=21600x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
Band 3 Block=21600x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue

Dann transformiert man das z.B. auch mit folgendem Tool in ein .png File:

gdal_translate -of png land_shallow_topo_21600.tif land_shallow_topo_21600.png

So bekommt man ein PNG aus dem TIFF.

Why do I blog this? Es ist nicht so leicht mit Geodaten zu arbeiten. Jede Hilfe die man bekommen kann ist da willkommen. Ich hab festgestellt, das man mit den GDAL tools – z.B. eingebunden per Python – eine ganze Menge Tricks machen kann.