
Ich möchte mal ein wenig mehr über ein Thema das mich seit langem fasziniert schreiben:

Chronemics can be briefly and generally defined as the study of human tempo as it related to human communication. More specifically, chronemics involves the study of both subjective and objective human tempos as they influence and are interdependent with human behavior. Further, chronemics involves the study of human communication as it relates to interdependent and integrated levels of time-experiencing. Previously, these interdependent and integrated levels have been outlined and discussed as: biological time; psychological time; social time; and cultural time. A number of classification systems exist in the literature of time. However, such systems are not applied to human interaction directly.

Quelle: Wikipedia

Wenn man sich einmal vergegenwärtigt, dass das sogenannte Monochronic time Zeitverständnis in unserer Arbeitswelt fast ausschließliche Gültigkeit besitzt, hingegen das Polychronic time Zeitverständnis fast gar nicht kulturell akzeptiert ist, dann erkennt man wie Chronemics als Wissenschaft von der nicht-verbalen Kommunikation über Zeitwahrnehmung ein Schlüsselgebiet für die Gestaltung von Kultur in der Arbeit darstellt.

Unterschiede bzw. Vergleich

Monochronic people Polychronic people
Do one thing at a time Do many things at once
Concentrate on a task set before them Concentrate on an event happening around them
Consider time commitments (deadlines, schedules) seriously Consider objectives (goals, results) seriously
Are low-context and need information Are high-context and already have information
Are committed to the job and end results Are committed to people and relationships
Dedicate themselves to plans Change plans often and easily
Are more concerned with privacy and individual ownership Are more concerned with community and shared connections
Emphasize prompt time recognition, regardless of relationship or circumstances Emphasize response based on nature of relationship and circumstances
Have strong tendency to build temporary, practical relationships Have strong tendency to build lifetime, familial relationships

Tabelle, Quelle: Wikipedia

Chronemik macht sich bemerkbar bei der Wartezeit auf eine Antwort im Arbeitsalltag:

To be kept waiting is to imply that one’s time is less valuable than that of the one who imposes the wait.

Auch auf die Sprechzeit im Alltag auf Arbeit wirkt Chronemik:

A superior – regardless of whether or not they are running the actual meeting – lead discussions, ask questions and have the ability to speak for longer periods of time without interruption.

Geht es um die Organisation der Arbeitszeit an sich, wirkt auch hier Chronemik:

The time of high status individuals is perceived as valuable, and they control their own time. On the other hand, a subordinate with less power has their time controlled by a higher status individual and are in less control of their time […]
Higher-status individuals have very precise and formal schedules – indicating that their stature requires that they have specific blocks of time for specific meetings, projects and appointments. Lower status individuals however, may have less formalized schedules.

Why do I blog this? Ich möchte mal ein wenig tiefer die Bandbreite des Begriffs hier darstellen. Das ist erstmal ein kleiner Auftakt.

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