Pre-Camp-Plans 2015

Camp Zelte
Source: Photographed on August, 8th, 2007, by cosmo flash (coloring adjusted!)

Location & Time

Just some planning notes and inspirations…

Important Stuff on the 2015 Wiki


Videos 2007 / 2011

Source: youtube BADABOOM! TV, CCCamp07, short

Source: youtube TheMauriceWessling, CCCamp11, short

Source: youtube bewegtbildbm
CCCamp11 – Chaos Communication Camp 2011, full version, 42 min

…one of the nicest videos about the CCC Camp.

Todo / Stuff to fetch

Stuff I need to think of and need to fetch / buy / pack for the camp.

zelt camping stuhl latschen
Zelt Stuhl Badelatschen
isomatte camping tisch solarstromverteiler
Isomatte Tisch Solarstromverteiler
wd 40 duck tape rubber duck debugging tool
WD 40 Duck Tape Rubber Duck
kabelbinder Ballons Rot Ballons blau
Kabelbinder Rote Ballons Blaue Ballons
Sanduhr beamer Vogelschutznetz
Sanduhr Pocketbeamer Netz
alu_hut pavillion 41FgM4fpBQL._AA160_
Alu Hut Pavillion Geschirr
raingear food sanitary
raingear foo(d) sanitary
kabelrolle DECT phone SIM adapters
Kabelrolle DECT/GSM SIM Card Adapters
USB Lamp Wäscheleine Autan
USB Lampe Wäscheleine Autan Mückenschutz

Source: André Hoek & Schindluder

hack / project related

Stuff for project…

Location address & video



Why do I blog this? I need to keep track of stuff I need to prepare against „Verpeiltheit“ and also it should help me to overcome social anxiety to actually visit the camp.

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