Source: Photographed on August, 8th, 2007, by cosmo flash (coloring adjusted!)
Location & Time
Just some planning notes and inspirations…
- 13. – 17. August 2015, Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Zehdenick, Germany, Earth, Milky Way,
opening 11:00 on August 13, closing 18:00 on August 17. - Ziegeleipark Mildenberg
- Coords: LAT 53.03199 LON 13.30653
- Map (openstreetmap)
- CCC blog info
- Preview of what will await you.
- Camp Wiki from 2011 with lots of useful info
- Engelsystem 2015
- rad1o Badge Infos

Videos 2007 / 2011
Source: youtube BADABOOM! TV, CCCamp07, short
Source: youtube TheMauriceWessling, CCCamp11, short
Source: youtube bewegtbildbm
CCCamp11 – Chaos Communication Camp 2011, full version, 42 min
…one of the nicest videos about the CCC Camp.
Todo / Stuff to fetch
Stuff I need to think of and need to fetch / buy / pack for the camp.

Source: André Hoek & Schindluder
hack / project related
Stuff for project…
- Blockchain stuff (Lighting talk?! Vortrag?)
- Bookscanner (Bauteile & Konstruktionsplan)
- Balkonkraftwerk (mitnehmen?)
Location address & video

Source: http://www.ziegeleipark.de/ziegeleipark-tv.html
Why do I blog this? I need to keep track of stuff I need to prepare against „Verpeiltheit“ and also it should help me to overcome social anxiety to actually visit the camp.
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