Raumfahrtaktivität in 2014 (ESA, NASA, Roskosmos)

esa_logoIn den kommenden Tagen und bereits in den vergangenen gab und wird es geben eine Menge an Raumfahrtaktivitäten. Erst kürzlich startete die Ariane 5 Rakete um 2 Satelliten ins All zu bringen. Diesem Start konnte man LIVE im Internet folgen mittels www.arianespace.tv. Das war sehr interessant. Hier ein paar Bilder des Ariane TV:

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So steht für den kommenden 3. April der Start des Sentinel-1 an:

Thursday, 3 Apr 2014, 22:40 – 23:50 CEST:

Dann startete am 26.3.2014 die Sojus-Kapsel TMA-12M vom Raumfahrtbahnhof Baikonur in Russland. Eine detaillierte Beschreibung kann man bei der NASA nachlesen. Ganz tolle Fotos von dem Start der Kapsel gibt es bei flickr. hier einmal eines das mir besonders gut gefällt.


Start der Sojus-Kapsel TMA-12M vom Raumfahrtbahnhof Baikonur
Quelle: NASA/Bill Ingalls on flickr

nasa-logoDie NASA bietet zu dem Thema auch mehrere spannende TV Kanäle im Internet an. Einen LIVE Stream von der International Space Station (ISS) gibt es z.B. hier:


Quelle: NASA (Anklicken um Stream zu starten)

Ein weiterer Stream läuft hier und zeigt viele nützliche Infos gemischt mit aktuellen Übertragungen.

Faszinierender Blick ins Innere der ISS

Quelle: NASA – Interior of the International Space Station (ISS)

Größenverhältnisse Erde zu allem Anderen

Quelle: Tweet von SciencePorn

Interesting solar flare image

The sun emitted a significant solar flare, peaking at 1:48 p.m. EDT March 29, 2014, and NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured images of the event. Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation.

Harmful radiation from a flare cannot pass through Earth’s atmosphere to physically affect humans on the ground, however — when intense enough — they can disturb the atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel.

Quelle: NASA

Hier kann man mehr darüber erfahren: Solar flare at 1:48 p.m. EDT March 29, 2014.

Nice LIVE View down to Earth from ISS

NASA and ESA are providing some nice website to live view the Earth from ISS.


Click here to get to the LIVE streaming

By the way, did you know the electrical systems of the ISS are running on 120 Volts DC? Read more on wikipedia.

Alexander Gerst

die_mausIst gestern abgehoben in den Weltraum zur ISS. Ein WDR-Bericht hier gibt mehr Auskunft:

Der deutsche Astronaut Alexander Gerst startete am Mittwochabend (28.05.2014) zur Weltraumstation ISS. Wie er die Stunden vor dem Start verbrachte, was er mitgenommen hat und was die Mission mit dem Film „Gravity“ zu tun hat, erklärt Volker Schmid vom Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum in Köln.

Für alle WDR Maus Fans gibt es sogar eine eigene Maus-im-All-Seite, yay!

gerst_playboyFür die erwachsenen Mausfans hat der Astro-Alex auch ein tolles Interview gegeben, im Playboy (siehe hier).

Unser Mann im Weltraum:
Exklusiv: Beim Nasa-Training mit den deutschen Astronauten Alexander Gerst

Das erinnert mich irgendwie an den Playboy Club in Space und Playboy bunnies wearing jetpacks bzw. das Retro-Rocket-Girl.


Soyuz undocking, reentry and landing explained

Coffee Machine on ISS


Die Buran

Webseite mit haufenweise Fotos zu dem russischen Raumgleiter Buran.




Why do I blog this? Ich mag Raumfahrt. Ich mag ja auch Star Trek. Vor allem mag ich, dass da Nationen zusammenarbeiten unabhängig davon, was da grade wieder für Politiker freidrehen. Ich finde Raumfahrt ist eigentlich eine der wenigen positiven Utopien, die uns echt nochmal helfen könnten. Der Blick aus dem All auf den kleinen und sehr verletzlichen Planeten Erde könnte uns vielleicht doch irgendwann nochmal zur Vernunft bringen.

HP LaserJet Printer may spy on you even if you thought you were safe

I own an HP LaserJet Printer 3000 since several years now. I am happy with the machine it always works when I need it, that was the reason I threw away my InkJet years ago. Before I bought it I made sure that the so called Machine Identification Code (MIC) was not used/wired in my printer model. I thought I was safe from spying. But I was wrong!

Now, after all the Snowden reveals coming to daylight, I just checked my printers‘ output again by putting a sheet of paper under the microscope. And boy I was surprised!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!111

See for yourself what I found:

Photo without microscopic zoom (taken with iPhone)

Photo under microscopic zoom without explicitly marking the MIC’s

Photo under microscopic zoom with explicitly marking the MIC’s (added with gfx program)

Since 2005 this code was already deciphered. See following article in „CODE BEI FARBLASERN ENTSCHLÜSSELT – Big Brother is watching you“. But I felt safe because my printer never was tested positive in those articles.


What is totally new to me, was the fact, that these dots only show up in color prints. If you print in black and white (you need to manually force the printer in the print dialogue to do that) you won’t get these marks. Lesson learned, always check this stuff for yourself, do not trust anyone!


The EURION-Constellation

150px-EURion.svgThere is often the argument, that such MIC’s should prevent production of fake money. Which is complete bullshit because to protect money from beeing copied there are several much more sophisticated security items integrated in money. The EURion-Constellation (having its name borrowed from the stellar Orion-Constellation) is one of these items present in nearly all worldwide monetary pieces of banknotes.

The EURion constellation is a pattern of symbols incorporated into a number of banknote designs worldwide since about 1996. It is added to help imaging software detect the presence of a banknote in a digital image. Such software can then block the user from reproducing banknotes to prevent counterfeiting using colour photocopiers. Research shows that the EURion constellation is used for color photocopiers and is likely not used for computer software.

Why do I blog this? I am really angry that my printer has this „feature“ apparently from the beginning. The only workaround seems to be an empty yellow cartridge that claims to be full and reducing printing to black an white only. So I need to hack either my yellow cartridge hardware/electronics or I need a new printer driver software. Thank you HP, I will never ever trust any of your fucking products again! And thank you HP for autodeploying the spying-firmware to my machine in a EU-country.

Gestalt Laws in pictures

I always like visualizations. I found some nice visualizations of the gestalt laws which I want to collect here.


“Gestalt” is a German word concerning “form”, “shape”, or “whole configuration”. The Gestalt theory explains how we organize mental figure-like images and how we perceive images through various types of sensory input such as visual, auditory, and olfactory stimuli. Gestalt psychology provides an important perspective in human perception. The founders of Gestalt psychology (e.g., Wertheimer, Köhler, and Koffka) believe that a perception cannot be meaningfully decomposed into its elementary components. They propose that the basic units of perception are themselves the perceptions?the “Gestalts” (or Gestalten) are the fundamental units. Indeed, the basic Gestalt theme is embodied in the often-applied summary phrase: ‘The whole is different from the sum of its parts; the whole is greater than the sum of the parts’.

Source: A Gestalt-like perceptual measure for home page design using a fuzzy entropy approach

Gestalt_Laws_Vertical Some more interesting texts can be found here in regard to the Gestalt Laws. An example:

Science will find Gestalten of different rank in different realms, but we claim that every Gestalt has order and meaning, of however low or high a degree, and that for a Gestalt quantity and quality are the same. Now nobody would deny that of all Gestalten which we know those of the human mind are the richest; therefore it is most difficult, and in most cases still impossible, to express its quality in quantitative terms, but at the same time the aspect of meaning becomes more manifest here than in any other part of the universe.

More interesting names to do some research about are the following:

Ernst Mach (1838-1916) introduced the concepts of space forms and time forms. We see a square as a square, whether it is large or small, red or blue, in outline or technicolor… This is space form. Likewise, we hear a melody as recognizable, even if we alter the key in such a way that none of the notes are the same.

Christian von Ehrenfels (1859-1932), who studied with Brentano in Vienna, is the actual originator of the term Gestalt as the Gestalt psychologists were to use it. In 1890, in fact, he wrote a book called On Gestalt Qualities. One of his students was none other than Max Wertheimer.

Oswald Külpe (1862-1915) was a student of G. E. Müller at Göttingen and received his doctorate at Leipzig. He studied as well with Wundt, and served as Wundt’s assistant for many years. He did most of his work while at the University of Würzburg, between 1894 and 1909.

He is best known for the idea of imageless thoughts. Contrary to Wundtians, he showed that some mental activities, such as judgments and doubts, could occur without images. The “pieces” of the psyche that Wundt postulated — sensations, images, and feelings — were apparently not enough to explain all of what went on.

Source: Gestalt Psychology, by Dr. C. George Boeree

Update 2nd, June 2014:


Another nice up-to-date-version which relates fine to this.

8 ways to add visual hierarchy

Why do I blog this? I want to keep track of helpful principles and ideas to shape, order, and relate stuff. The Gestalt Laws are such a helpful tool.