Thirtynine US-Trillion $39T Debt = Balance

I asked on Nov 9th, 2024:

How much is the current debt of the US of A and how much of the GDP is that in percent?

As of the most recent data available, the United States‘ debt situation is as follows:

Total Debt

The total federal government debt of the United States reached $35.7 trillion by October 2024 [4]. This represents a significant increase from earlier in the year, as the debt had grown by approximately $1 trillion in two separate 100-day periods since June 2024 [4].

Debt-to-GDP Ratio

The debt-to-GDP ratio, which measures the country’s debt relative to its economic output, stands at:

  • 122.3% of GDP as of June 2024, according to the most recent quarterly data [2].

This figure represents a slight decrease from the previous quarter, which was 123.2% [2]. However, it’s important to note that different sources may provide slightly varying figures due to differences in calculation methods and timing:

  • The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that federal debt held by the public is projected to rise from 99% of GDP in 2024 to 116% in 2034 [4].
  • Trading Economics expects the government debt-to-GDP ratio to reach 124.3% by the end of 2024 [3].

Historical Context

The current debt-to-GDP ratio is significantly higher than historical averages. From 1940 until 2023, the average government debt-to-GDP ratio in the United States was 65.7% [3]. The ratio reached an all-time high of 126.3% in 2020, largely due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic [3].

Composition of Debt

As of December 2023, the $33.1 trillion total federal debt was composed of:

  • $26.5 trillion held by the public
  • $12.1 trillion in intragovernmental debt [4]

Debt Servicing Costs

The annualized cost of servicing this debt was $726 billion in July 2023, which accounted for 14% of the total federal spending [4].

It’s worth noting that the debt and debt-to-GDP ratio are subject to frequent changes based on government spending, economic growth, and other factors. The trend indicates a continuing increase in both total debt and the debt-to-GDP ratio, which has implications for the country’s fiscal health and future economic policies.



U.S. Debt: Visualizing the $31.4 Trillion Owed in 2023

Source: Visual Capitalist, April 20, 2023

How Did the U.S. National Debt Get So Big?

Source: thebalancemoney, October 4, 2022

Why do i blog this? siehe Eine US-Trillion $1T Schulden = Guthaben

Search Engine Update: Perplexity AI

See my former entries Entry 1 and here Entry 2. is the first of its kind LLM-powered answer engine that has established itself as the most accurate and useful research assistant for conversations and questions that require answers to be backed by facts and references.

You should all try

It looks like this:

Maybe watch how they built it:

In this presentation, Aravind Srinivas, the founder and CEO, will go through the engineering challenges involved in getting there within the time and resource constraints and the opportunities that lie ahead in rethinking the most important software category of asking questions about anything and everything.

Chrome Extension/Plugin

Update 13.11.2024

The german meta searchengine metaGER is also struggling to keep up with the innovationspeed in search engine-land. Here is a podcast depicting the current state.

Interesting Links from the Podcast:

Unsere News

Browser und Suchmaschine Brave

Suma e.V.

Open Search Foundation Projekt Open Websearch EU


The SUMA-EV taking care of metaGER is a non-profit organization based in Hannover, Germany that advocates for free access to digital knowledge and operates the MetaGer search engine. Here are some key points about SUMA-EV:

Mission and Goals

SUMA-EV aims to ensure that digital knowledge remains freely accessible without control by governments or corporations [1][2]. Their core beliefs include:

  • Protecting privacy and opposing user profiling
  • Promoting transparency and open-source software
  • Maintaining diversity in the search engine market to prevent monopolies

History and Organization

  • Founded on July 5, 2004 in Hannover[2]
  • Originally named „Gemeinnütziger Verein zur Förderung der Suchmaschinen-Technologie und des freien Wissenszugangs, SuMa-eV“
  • Renamed to „SUMA-EV – Verein für freien Wissenszugang“ in 2009
  • Current executive board members include Dominik Hebeler, Phil Höfer, Carsten Riel, and Manuela Branz[2][4]

Key Activities

  • Operates the MetaGer search engine in cooperation with Leibniz University Hannover[3][4]
  • Organizes annual conferences on search technology and internet-related social issues[2]
  • Offers Linux migration consulting services
  • Provides stipends to students working on search technology research[2]
  • Funding

    SUMA-EV is funded through:

    • Membership fees
    • Donations
    • Affiliate shopping programs
    • Advertising links[2]

    The organization continues to operate on a volunteer basis and welcomes donations, new members, and token purchases to support its mission of providing free access to digital knowledge[5].



    Why do I blog this? I am blown away by how much better search results are compared to Google and Qwant.

    Screensaver on the Mac


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    Why do I blog this? Because Apple apparently just dropped a „patch“ on something that does not work and now occupies my computational resources.

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